Best-In-Class Commercial Real Estate Appraisals
CES is the premier solution for your commercial real estate appraisal needs. At CES, we offer a range of solutions for the valuation of commercial assets in your portfolio such as Appraisal Management, Best in Class Commercial Evaluations, Limited Scope Appraisals, and Full-Scope Appraisal Reports.
Commercial Real Estate Appraisal Reports
Our staff includes MAI Appraisers, Published Appraisers that specialize in complex valuation scenarios such as Going-Concern Appraisals, and seasoned experts for valuing various commercial property types. Our dedicated team of appraisers are licensed in most states to provide you the best value and competency regardless of which state you are in. There is almost no property type that we have not appraised and no commercial asset is too big or too small for our team to value.
With our institutional-quality commercial appraisal experience, specialized industry knowledge, and specific expertise with complex valuation scenarios, we can confidently service our client’s needs for full Commercial Real Estate Appraisal Reports regardless of property type, geography, or complexity.
Limited Scope Appraisals
In situations whereby the Agencies identify certain real estate-related loan transactions qualify for Evaluations vs. Appraisals (and specifically within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, North Carolina and South Carolina), the use of Evaluations by an outside third-party are not legal. Therefore, within these states CES can provide you with an appraisal performed by a licensed appraiser from within our own Appraisal Department that satisfies this requirement. These appraisals can also be reviewed by other CES licensed appraisers from within our Appraisal Review Department. We offer this service for transactions that would have otherwise qualified for an evaluation under FIRREA.
Validations can help your lenders keep a refinance in house, sell new lines of credit to existing clients, and expedite bank acquisitions. An appraisal is only good for a certain amount of time. Your bank or agency’s policies determine that length of time. We save you and your clients money by “validating” older appraisals that were performed within the last five years. Our scope of work for this product involves:
- Research general market conditions
- Research property-type specific performance (vacancy, pipeline, cap rates, rent appreciation, etc.)
- Inspect the property to confirm physical condition (typically performed by the loan officer or an independent 3rd party)
- Research sales and rentals for comparable properties
- Analyze and discuss any changes in the market since the date of value
- Conclude whether the current value is at least as much as the prior appraised value